The training modules listed below are delivered via workshop.
Participants must attend a workshop face-to-face or webinar via zoom. Depending on the module, workshops will be scheduled for 3 or 2.5 hours. Attendees will be informed about the training venue if the courses are delivered face-to-face.
Pre-Training questionnaire:
Each module (Core and specialty except Psychiatry) includes a pre-training questionnaire that must be completed by the participants at least 48 hours before attending the Instructor-Led workshop.
Participants must attend a workshop face-to-face or via webinar via zoom. Depending on the module, workshops will be scheduled for 3 or 2.5 hours (Core module). Attendees will be informed about the training venue if the courses are delivered face-to-face.
Case Studies
These case studies without answers are for the participant to review and consider before training. The trainer will go through them with the participant on the training day.
Assessment Task
The competency-based assessment will be completed in the attendee's own time after the training module has been delivered. The assessment task is available in the Learning Management System. The participant will receive instructions about accessing the platform after booking into the specific module. The assessment task must be downloaded, completed, and submitted for marking through the Learning Management System within four weeks after the workshop. Assessments will be marked within ten business days of receiving them. The assessment must be completed and deemed satisfactory to complete the module.
Duration: 2.5 hours
Facilitator: Dr Mark Burns
This training module provides an introduction to the NSW workers compensation guidelines for the evaluation of permanent impairment 4th edition (Guidelines) and how they are to be used when assessing impairment injury or disease in New South Wales.
*Please note: practitioners undertaking Instructor-Led Speciality modules must complete the Instructor-Led Training | Core Module. Self-Paced Learning | Core Module is not a valid substitute for this module.
Duration: 2.5 hours
Facilitator: Dr David Crocker
Duration: 3 hours
Facilitator: Dr Chris Oates
This module will cover permanent impairment assessment of the lower extremity according to the modified approach to AMA5 methodology set out in the NSW workers compensation guidelines for the evaluation of permanent impairment 4th edition (Guidelines).
Duration: 3 hours
Facilitator: Dr Chris Oates
This module will cover permanent impairment assessment of the Upper Extremity according to the modified approach to AMA5 methodology set out in the NSW workers compensation guidelines for the evaluation of permanent impairment 4th edition (Guidelines).
Duration: 3 hours
Facilitator: Dr Mark Burns
This module will cover permanent impairment assessment of the Nervous System according to the modified approach to AMA5 methodology set out in the NSW workers compensation guidelines for the evaluation of permanent impairment 4th edition (Guidelines).
Duration: 3 hours
Facilitator: Dr Martin Allan
This module will cover permanent impairment assessment of psychiatric and psychological disorder/s according to the Psychiatric Impairment Rating Scale (PIRS) set out in the NSW workers compensation guidelines for the evaluation of permanent impairment 4th Edition (Guidelines). The PIRS is used to assess permanent impairment in both the NSW Motor Accidents and Workers Compensation schemes.
Note: If you are a psychiatrist and have successfully completed the NSW motor accident permanent impairment training for Mental and Behavioural disorders (including the competency-based assessment case studies) you do not need to undertake this training prior to applying to SIRA to be listed to assess permanent impairment for Psychological and Psychiatric disorders.
A pre-training questionnaire must be completed by the participants at least 48 hours before attending the Instructor-Led workshop (except Psychiatry).